
Create online quizzes for your students, friends, family, and colleagues / employees

ProfQuiz is an app that lets you easily create online quizzes for anyone. Create your quiz and share a link to it - that's it. Then, collect answers, graph results, and get actionable insight into how much (or how little) your quiz takers understand about a particular topic. But quizzes aren't just about checking knowledge - you can also use them to gather feedback or ideas from a group of people.

Quiz students and employees as part of the learning process

Attending a lecture, reading documentation, or watching educational videos is the easy part. The problem with passive learning methods like these is long-term retention. Most people can't remember more than 10% of instructional material a month after absorbing it. To ensure that people remember what they learn, they have to apply that knowledge. You can do that in two ways:

  1. Rote learning in an old-school classroom You can include exercises for your students / employees. But let's be honest: most people will skip these exercises. The result? They sort-of read through the material, got distracted and missed much of it, and won't remember anything in two months. Old-school rote learning isn't a solution.
  2. Regularly sprinkle quizzes during learning sessions You can include mini-quizzes throughout your learning material. A one-question quiz at the end of each section will force the learner or reader to look at what you just explained in a new light. A good approach is to use a one-question, multiple-answers quiz that includes hints and/or feedback for each answer.

Multiple people taking a quiz on a laptop Tip: regular quizzes are the easiest student assessment tool you can use to make sure that kids keep up with your class and stay engaged. Unlike a test, a daily or weekly quiz is short and can even be fun. Acquiring knowledge doesn't have to be boring. An online quiz can accommodate both in-person classes and remote classes. All students need is a web browser. Our quizzes are optimized for mobile, so they can even be taken using a smartphone.

Standard multiple-choice questions quizzes

The fastest quizzes to evaluate are those offered in the form of multiple-choice questions. That's because ProfQuiz can automatically grade these quizzes for you since it knows the correct answer(s). Just like a virtual scantron.Using a scantron to answer multiple-choice questions

STEM quizzes

Putting STEM into practice When you build your quiz, you can include math symbols and other special characters, making our quiz builder ideal for STEM teachers. You can also include graphics in your questions or multiple-choice answers: abstract images like graphs or schemas - or support graphics like pictures of people performing tasks.

Quiz job applicants to hire the right employees

Evaluating a job applicant can be difficult A quick test is the fastest way to establish a job applicant's baseline knowledge. Hand out an iPad to the person and have them go through a simple quiz to demonstrate their broad competencies for the job.

Quizzes you create with ProfQuiz store all kinds of details that are important for recordkeeping, like the date and time when the quiz was taken, IP address, etc. You can even print quiz results and metadata to store in the employee's file. You can of course download quiz results for government compliance verification.

Regularly quizzing your employees

Regularly quizzing your employees about company policies is an excellent routine to ensure that proper procedures are followed and to deter or fight lawsuits. From the outset, it shows a concern from the employer for important policies: that alone might be enough to dissuade a frivolous lawsuit.

Review quiz results and other metadata The fastest way to establish a job applicant's level of knowledge or understanding of regulatory requirements is a quick test. Our quizzes store all kinds of details that are important for recordkeeping, including time taken, IP address, etc. You can print quiz results for the employee's file or download a copy of the results for government compliance verification.

Regularly quiz your employees about workplace procedures Regularly quizzing your employees about company policies and best practices is a good defensive habit to deter or even fight lawsuits. From the outset, it shows a concern from the employer for important policies: that alone might discourage a frivolous lawsuit. Employee safety via regular quizzes is a no-brainer.

Quizzing people for personal activities

You can also create quizzes just for fun or for personal activities like picking a class president, choosing the topics of a PTA meeting or HOA board meeting, etc.